
Have you ever felt as if you couldn't figure out which direction to travel in life? I choose this course, because I once was lost, I didn't have a road map to my next destination. I needed a Plan, I needed to be empowered in order to gain my Power back, I needed to tap into myself, I needed to Uplift with confidence. Joining this course was the best decision I had made for myself. Im now on my Purposeful Map, with a Vision, with a Desire to reach others, with the Confidence to teach. I recommend Life Coach School of Arkansas for everyone that has to question their next destination!

LCSA GRADUATEPositive: Communication, Professionalism, Quality

I chose this course because I believe in investing in programs every year to enhance my Life Coaching skills and resource base to grow in serving my current clients and future clients. LCSA seemed to be a great program in Arkansas and I desired to enroll in a program that I could both learn from and continue to be involved in after graduating:)

LCSA GRADUATEPositive: Communication, Professionalism, Quality

I chose this course because it was my home state, I know and individual that graduated from here and its nice to network with others close to you. It was a great experience with a lot of breakthroughs. I've met some beautiful individuals that have helped me and have given me more courage to get my course out there.

LCSA GRADUATEPositive: Communication, Professionalism, Quality

I was recommended by a coach. I have wanted to be a coach for a while now and after hearing and reading about LCSA I knew it was perfect for me. The love and passion they have for coaching makes the decision so worth it.

LCSA GRADUATEPositive: Communication, Professionalism, Quality

Even though I took the basis of life coaching I was still stuck on where to begin, the after program gave me everything I needed! I'm up and rolling! The instructor has the simplest gift but its power!

LCSA GRADUATEPositive: Communication, Professionalism, Quality

I wanted to learn how to put every aspect of starting a coaching business into play. In this program you learn everything step by step on legalizing your business and making it a success

LCSA GRADUATEPositive: Communication, Professionalism, Quality

I signed up because I wanted to learn more about how to reach an audience that I haven't been able to reach before.

LCSA GRADUATEPositive: Communication, Professionalism, Quality

I love to help people and I believe iron sharpens iron and this class really does that

LCSA GRADUATEPositive: Communication, Professionalism, Quality

I needed to know what was my next step as a Life Coach and how to start it up!

LCSA GRADUATEPositive: Communication, Professionalism, Quality

This course was very instrumental in development of my journey and brand.

LCSA GRADUATEPositive: Communication, Professionalism, Quality

I used to be a counselor and wanted to become a life coach.

LCSA GRADUATEPositive: Communication, Professionalism, Quality

CEU is an opportunity for advancement.

LCSA GRADUATEPositive: Communication, Professionalism, Quality

Improve my life coaching services.

LCSA GRADUATEPositive: Communication, Professionalism, Quality

To far my coach/mentor career.

LCSA GRADUATEPositive: Communication, Professionalism, Quality